Camping Lisboa Camping & Bungalows

Estrada da Circunvalação, Lisboa 1400-061 - Lisboa - Lisboa - Portugal

00 351 217628200


Camping gegevens

Opening Datum : 01/01-31/12

Oppervlakte van het perceel : 85

Camping gebied : 380000

Aantal percelen : 189

Hoogte : 80

Bungalow Boekingen

GPS [lat,long]: 38.724007,-9.206944

Primaire Services


Lisboa Camping & Bungalows has 38 ha. and is prepared to receive guests in bungalows, glamping, mobile homes, pitches and camping. Located in the Parque Florestal de Monsanto, allows direct access to Lisbon city center. It's a quiet and familiar camping surrounded by nature and equipped with restaurant with terrace, minimarket, swimming pools, playground, mini-golf and a sports ground.

For more information visit the website


Foto de Camping Lisboa Camping & Bungalows en Lisboa
Foto de Camping Lisboa Camping & Bungalows en Lisboa
Foto de Camping Lisboa Camping & Bungalows en Lisboa